Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fit Kids Get Better Grades

I recently read an article in the Pioneer Press Parade titled "Fit Kids Get Better Grades" It explained that the California Department of Education did a study on how exercise affects kid's learning ability and test scores. They found that the study found increased amounts of exercise = higher academic achievement. All of the results were not fully supportive of this theory, but the math scores were significantly higher after physical fitness became a normal routine. Also, girls demonstrated way more achievement than the boys. Another research has led people to believe that exercise can maybe encourage new brain- cell growth. So, when people exercise their bodies, they are actually exercising their minds too.


Rico said...

whatever hope!!!!!

im fit
and i fail at school!! lol

shelby said...

i also disagree, but it was an interesting article =)

jennyp said...

This is really interesting! I didn't think that weight would really effect peoples grades.