Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Here's the latest in Bollywood news:

Recently, there has been a deal made between the UK and Bollywood producers. It was hard for Bollywood producers to produce movies in the UK. So, during the UK's economic downturn, they have agreed to make a deal to help Bollywood producers to work in the UK, which will then help the British movie industry to survive their economic downturn, according to the film minister. This treaty has been being worked on for almost 3 years, and is finally being finalized. So, this treaty will also make it much easier for Indian film makers to obtain tax relief by collaborating with all of the British producers in the UK.

Chamberlain. Darryl. "Bollywood deal will 'aid UK film'". BBC News. 22 October 2008. 4 March 2009.

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